Sunday, May 2, 2010


So as you all know I am expecting. When you are preparing for your new little one there are so many question you need to ask. Breastfed or bottle? Co-sleep or crib? Cloth diaper or disposable? We have been researching and deciding on many things. Diapers were a huge one for us. We are not hippies by any means but we are frugal eco friendly people. Throwing our money out into a landfill did sound like something we wanted to do. When you diaper with disposable that is pretty much what you are doing. Plus we are "quiverfull" so if the Lord does bless us with many children that is a lot of waste. Cloth diapering does not waste and we will be able to reuse our stash on our other babes. Cloth diapers are better on babies skin as well. I don't want yucky stuff on my babies booty. I love swagbucks because they have gift cards for earth angel diaper co and amazon. They both have great selections of fluffy cloth diapers. We are planing to buy several of the "big names" in semi large stashes so we can see what works best and have a variety on hand. When I tell people that I will be cloth diapering they look at me like I just told them I have eye balls on my toes. My mom was less than thrilled so I want to make her swoon over them. I will be getting some nice fluffy all in ones for her to use when she watches Regan or Colt (or our twins?? I can't wait to hurry up and find out!).

Our first cloth diaper cover came in the mail today and I jumped (well kind of) for joy! It is so tiny and cute. I can't wait to have my wittle babe here in his/her sweet thristies melon diaper!

I will keep you posted when more of my fluffy mail comes!


  1. I'm so excited for you! Congratulations for choosing to use cloth diapers - that it certainly a wise choice, and one that I would have made as well.

  2. Ooh!! Cute lil' diaper! :) *hehe* My family and I started using cloth diapers with my youngest sibling (at the moment :) Grace. We just LOVE them!! And you are SO right about them being the 'frugalist' of the two. :) Very wise choice, dear! So where are you getting them from? Mother buys Grace's at: They have very reasonable prices! Maybe you could check it out...?
    Hope you're liking your new blog look, dear.:)

    Love you! Say hi to Billy and pat the tummy for me. :)

  3. Raquel, We are getting them with our swagbucks on amazon and on earth angel diaper co. They are "free" to us so that is what we will do. What brand do ya'll like best? Thank you for making my blog look so snazzy!

    Billy says hi!


  4. I know a few people who now do cloth diapers. I think it is a good idea although with my sister's babies we have always used disposable and personally I like them better just because of the no mess. Call me lazy or whatever. :-) But props to you on using cloth. You're a better mommy than I would be haha.

    Also just out of twins run in your family or are you just hopeful? Having twins would be so much fun!

  5. I think cloth diapers look really cute on the babes! :) The melon color is lovely, too! My mama used cloth diapers on all 5 of us children. I believe she used 1 big bunch on me and one of my sisters. After that, those were shot (She says she didn't care for them as well as she could've.) She then bought another big set that she used on the last 3 children.

  6. If my mom were here she would immediately tell you that you are making a HUGE no offense. She has had eight children and I am the oldest - she started using cloth diapers on me but was immediately cured of it. They stuck to cloth for a total of two weeks. =D So I would tell you to avoid the horror and pain.

  7. Madeline, I think the first two weeks are the hardest -- I've heard that meconium is a nightmare to wash out of cloth.

    We started cloth diapering our now-one-year-old at about 6 weeks (took a while to figure out what covers we were going to use), and have never thought about going back! We use Imse Vimse Soft covers with velcro closures and Indian Cotton prefold inserts -- and will be doing the same for baby no. 2.

    For the meconium stage with no. 2, we're talking about using our smallest Imse Vimse covers and using the gDiapers flushable liners, since they're relatively inexpensive. I also wouldn't want to use disposables again because they made Ezra red and left tiny glue-like beads on her bottom!

  8. Flushables sound like a great idea!! I don't plan on ever using disposables but don't want to have a hard time with laundry the first few weeks. We are looking into going to your church... we will have to talk diapers soon! lol. I don't know anyone that cloths so it would be great to pick your brain.
