Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Itty Bitty Angel

So I went in for an ultra sound today. The baby (only one) is doing great. I loved watching him (no we don't know if it's a boy or a girl but I am going to call it him for this blog) dance around on the screen. It was funny he was very still then started kicking and punching the air... it looked like he was dancing. Billy almost started crying. We are so in love with this baby it is crazy. We have for sure picked a boy name Colt Liam DeHerrera and have a few ideas for a girl name. We like strong and semi original names for a boy and sweet original names for a girl. I like Cerie (pronouned sur-re), Reagan (not that original but cute), Avalee (like ava-lee), and Briar. I am not sure if we will go with any of those but right now they are being tossed around. I get my next ultrasound to find out the gender in 9 weeks. Baby D is due on November 29th, 2010. Just 4 days after Thanksgiving. I hope I can still do the black Friday shopping with my big tummy hehe. I will keep you posted.


  1. Oh my, Andrea, that is adorable!
    I was sooo glad to find a link to your blog on Raquel's blog... when I found that your old blog was private, I was so disappointed!! But now I've found this one.. yeah!!
    Congratulations on the baby.. wow, I'm getting excited! ;-)
    Big hugs,
    your sister in Christ,

  2. Such a sweet and precious little one...with such loving parents. :) I love the boy name, and I really liked the girl names you've thought of so far! :D "Avalee" is a pretty it! :) Oh, I bet you can't wait to find out in 9 weeks! ;)

    Love and Hugs and blessings "Momma"! :)

  3. Awww! That is just so sweet. You're going
    to be such an amazing mommy. I like the name you picked out
    for the boy...I can't wait to hear the girls name. All those names you have listed are so pretty!

  4. Hello beautiful already-a-mommy! :)
    This is just so sweet...and beautiful!! That is so sweet that Billy almost started crying, too. Aw, how precious! You'll have to tell us all about why you picked which names and all that. :) Will they be named after anyone? Or you just pick those names just because you like them? I think 'Avalee' is so pretty!! Do you know the name meanings? If you don't, I could give you a really, really neat website link that has EVERY baby name that you can imagine!! Let me know and I'll send you an e-mail with the link.
    I love you, sweet friend!

    Many blessings and hugs!!

  5. Beautiful picture, beautiful names! thank you for sharing!!

  6. Oh how precious! That is so so so exiting that you are able to SEE your little one while he (or she) is growing inside you!
    I love the names you are deliberating over! So happy for you girl! :)
