Sunday, October 10, 2010

4 years ago today...

A sweet young fellow asked me to be his. It was the start of this love story. I am so glad the Lord lead him to me and that it was the perfect match. I love you so much sweetheart and I am so glad I am now your wife. xoxo

I might be posting on here a lot more now that I am stuck in bed until 11-8-10 (aka 37 weeks).


  1. Hey! Glad to hear you are so happy and taking it easy. I've been following your blog...well since you had the old one with the roses. This one is very cute!

    Did you ever post any wedding pictures? Maybe I missed them. Well, I've enjoyed watching your baby ticker! Didn't realize your son will be here before Christmas. Will you be posting any pregnancy pics? Take care of yourself! :)

  2. Congratulations, dear!!! I am SO happy for you! And Billy is SO blessed!! ♥
    Your little son is greatly blessed to have such wonderful, godly parents!! :)
    Love you, dear!!

  3. Aww, congrats! :) That is so sweet! Yes, I agree whole-heartedly with Raquel. ;)

    Praying for your little man and you as you get closer to your due date sweetie!
    God Bless and you Billy!

  4. Please continue to take good care of yourself and the little son! What a beautiful marriage and relationship you have! I am continuing to pray for you as you head towards the finish line of this pregnancy!

  5. Thinking of you and praying for a healthy remainder of your pregnancy.

  6. Hoping all is well with you. Can't believe he'll be here sooooooo soon!
