Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Atticus Jack

I had been in early labor for over a week then on monday (11-8) I started leaking water. I went to the hospital at 10pm that night and they popped the rest of my bag of water and labor picked up. I was stuck at 4cm for a while so they gave me pitoticn (sp?). That stuff is evil but I did it pain med free :) and had no rips or tears. We are still in the hospital but hope to come home tonight if we get the okay from the doctors. I love being a mama!


  1. Congratulations, Billy and Andrea!! So happy for you two!! He is a handsome little boy. So glad the delivery went well...praise the LORD!!

  2. Gorgeous baby, and I LOVE his name! Welcome to the world, Atticus Jack.

  3. He's beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  4. I hope you are loving life with little Atticus. May you find joy in his face everyday!
